Giraldi Angela, PhD

Data Scientist
Machine Learning Engineer

- Bringing Italian passion and German precision to pursue data-driven insights -

About me

Welcome! I'm a passionate data scientist with a background in particle physics, currently located in Swizterland.
My academic journey began at the University of Pisa and reached a milestone at DESY in Germany, where I earned my PhD in physics and developed my analytical ability with some of the most complex datasets in the scientific world from the LHC at CERN.
I'm always up for a challenge and thrive on the opportunity to learn new things.  My background in physics has honed my analytical skills and attention to detail and I am excited to pursue a career in data science. The transition from particle physics to data science has been a natural progression, allowing me to translate my research experience, troubleshooting skills, and strong communication abilities into actionable insights within diverse data landscapes.My dedication to analytical pursuits is paralleled by my commitment to the arts and wellness – whether I'm attending a theater premiere, perfecting my yoga practice, or nurturing my sourdough starter, I find that these experiences enrich my professional life by enhancing my creativity and attention to detail.Scroll down to learn more, and thank you for stopping by!

Education & Awards

PhDPhysics2019-2023Universität Hamburg
MasterParticle Physics2015-2018Università di Pisa
BachelorPhysics2012-2015Università di Pisa
  • Winner of a scholarship for developing and applying a multivariate analysis method at LHC at CERN.

Skills & more

My expertise spans across particle physics and data science, with a fusion of in-depth technical know-how and essential soft skills.Here’s a snapshot:

  • Advanced statistics, experimental design, database management, version control systems, data analysis and predictive modeling

  • Clear communication, effective problem-solving, collaborative teamwork and continuous learning

  • Variety of programming languages and Python libraries essential for data manipulation, machine learning, scientific computing, big data technologies, data visualisation

  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, C, Delphi, Pascal, MATLAB, Gnuplot, Fortran

  • Data Manipulation and analysis: Pandas, SQL, NumPy, SciPy, Tableau, Dash, PowerBI, Folium, Plotly

  • Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn

  • Machine & Deep Learning: Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, XGBoost

  • Scientific Computing: NumPy, SciPy

  • Statistical Modeling: StatsModels

  • Web Scraping: Selenium, Beautiful Soup

  • Version Control & Tools: Git (GitHub, GitLab), Linux/Unix (bash, zsh), Microsoft Office Package

  • and more...


As a particle physicist, I have spent more than six years working on the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN as part of a big international collaboration of over 5000 scientists from over 200 research institutes and 50 countries. Our research focuses on understanding the fundamental nature of matter and energy, with the goal of unlocking the secrets of the universe.In this multicultural environment, I have gained valuable experience collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds and using advanced statistical analysis techniques, including machine learning, to analyze large datasets. My research has mostly focused on the study of Higgs boson properties, and I have contributed to almost 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers. I have also presented my work at national and international conferences. Here a more comprehensive list of my scientific contributions.Visit the ROOT website to learn more about the data analysis tools used in particle physics.

From exploring the fundamental building blocks of the universe to unlocking the power of data -
a journey of discovery and innovation

Areas of interests

I am highly skilled in data visualization and machine learning, and have a strong interest in data-driven decision making and predictive modeling. I have experience working with big data and have a keen eye for data cleaning and preprocessing.

  • Data engineering

  • Data cleaning and preprocessing

  • Data visualization

  • Statistical analysis

  • Big data

  • Machine learning

  • Artificial intelligence


Explore my data science projects by visiting my portfolio.Discover a variety of intriguing data-driven projects that showcase my love for extracting insights and bringing data to life. Each study, from predictive analytics to sentiment analysis, demonstrates the value of data in making well-informed choices.Check back often, as I'll be adding more projects to showcase my ongoing exploration in the world of data science!

Data science through the lens of a physicist

Licenses & certifications

  • IT Scrum Master Professional Certificate by IBM

  • Machine Learning Specialization by University of Washington


As a skilled and dedicated private tutor, I have a proven track record of helping students succeed in their scientific studies. I provide personalized tutoring and support and take great satisfaction in helping students understand complex concepts and achieve their academic goals. With years of experience in scientific education and a passion for teaching, I am committed to helping students succeed.

Community engagment

In addition to my professional and academic pursuits, I have a strong commitment to giving back to my community through volunteer work and service learning. I have participated in a variety of community service and outreach programs, and have contributed my time and skills to support a range of causes and organizations.For over 10 years, I have dedicated my time to volunteering and providing community service through my involvement in my church, where I have worked with children of all ages, and through other associations that support disabled individuals. In addition, I have participated in longer summer service projects to make a meaningful impact in my community.

Data volunteering

As a data-driven social impact passionate, with DataKind I am contributing with my skills to address pressing global issues. I've worked with diverse teams to analyse complex data sets at DataDive events with projects to improve poverty, healthcare, and climate change.One such impactful experience was during the recent DataKind's collaboration with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other partners, focusing on climate and gender-related data insights. For instance, studying household survey data for gender-specific spending patterns showed the necessity for gender-responsive economic planning.Project collaboration keeps improving my skills in working in interdisciplinary teams, navigating varied datasets, and solving real-world problems. I believe we can make a difference.

Get in touch

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